Pryor Creek Ladies invite you to join Tuesday morning or Wednesday evening leagues (You do not need to be a member of Pryor Creek Golf Club).
Tuesday Morning League
Check in is 30 minutes before playing time. Starting times vary from 8:30am to 9:30am based on time of year. Times will be posted in the Newsletter, Events Calendar, and on the Ladies board outside the women’s restroom. This is an 18 hole league. There is a new game every Tuesday. Cost is $3.00 each Tuesday. Come every Tuesday or whenever you can. No need to sign up ahead of time.
Wednesday Evening League
This league consists of 4 person teams. 2 ladies play every Wednesday night from each team, for points, in a team competition. The other 2 from each team may play for their own enjoyment. Each night consists of 9 hole play. Sign up as a full team or as an individual. Cost is $3.00 per night.
League and Association Fees
Tuesday Morning League: $10 plus $3 each League day
Wednesday Evening League: $10 plus $3 each League day
Association Dues $20 (to be determined yearly)
Contact Information
Tuesday League: Janis Crosmer or Judy Pirtz 406-670-8103
Wednesday League: Sharon Spooner 406-690-1126 or Cindy Taylor 406-672-8075
Sue Vinton 406-855-2625
Lisa Perry 406-672-2568